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Unit II Case Study

Unit II Case Study

Q Unit II Case Study In the CSU Online Library, using the Business Source Complete database, search for and read the article titled “How Barbie Lost her Groove,” by Nash and Duvall (2005). Compose a persuasive response that includes the following elements: • Explain why Mattel’s managers were able to slowly change decision making over time and what kinds of cognitive errors contributed. • Explain and comment on any factors related to organizational culture and innovation within Mattel’s setting that might have influenced the company to move in a more positive direction. MBA 6001, Organizational Research and Theory 3 Your response should be two pages in length, not including the title page or reference page. You are required to cite at least one article from the CSU Online Library (not including the referenced case study article). All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations in the proper APA format.

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Mattel’ managers had made a major cognitive error of not trying to observe and look around the target market to ensure the actualization of a thorough analysis of the transformations made in the target market. This is because the current transformations in the fields of lifestyle as well as fashion had never bothered the managers of the organization. It was just because of the perspective of making of the icon of the Barbie products that complacency had gotten developed into the minds of the managers.